METS Energy
Salem Group is proud to present the successful completion of a website development project for METS Energy (ME). The primary objective was to create a user-friendly website that effectively showcases ME’s purpose, vision, and mission. The website serves as a strategic tool to enhance ME’s visibility, promote opportunities, introduce their corporate identity, facilitate lead generation, and drive sales for future market expansion. The target audience encompasses companies interested in ME’s products and services, as well as individuals seeking awareness and recruitment opportunities. The website features various sections, including home, about METS, METS Generators & Products, new products, METS services, projects, user guide, our component suppliers, place an order, maintenance, news, case studies, blog, announcements, newsletter, press clippings, message board, careers, and includes a chatbox linked to WhatsApp for client servicing.
Technologies Used:
WordPress + JetPack
Website Link:
Explore the purpose, vision, and offerings of METS Energy by visiting their website at METS Energy Website.
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